Featured Green House Sheds for Sale
Green House Sheds
Our new Green House is offered in many sizes and lots of trim color options. The design of the Green House is galvanized steel stud framing, and SolarSoft pigmented polycarbonate exterior. This opage material works much better than clear panels in our hot and sunny, South Carolina climate. Our design is also standard with a 48” door, windows, and ventilated shelving on three of the walls. We also include a GFI electrical package including a switch, an outlet and overhead light fixture. Extra shelving, complete flooring, extra windows, and a thermostat-controlled exhaust fan are all available options! The greenhouse is designed to sit directly on top of level ground. The framing you see on the floor is used for shipping, it is normally removed during delivery and set up. We then shoot four hurricane anchors and strap the building to the ground for all coastal units!
The prices below include delivery, set-up, and four hurricane anchors with strap.
8 x 8 (1w) $2,499
8 x 10 (2w) $3,549
8 x 12 (2w) $4,099
8 x 14 (2w) $4,699
8 x 16 (2w) $5,349
10 x 10 (2w) $4,349
10 x 12 (2w) $4,899
10 x 14 (2w) $5,549
10 x 16 (4w) $6,249
10 x 20 (4w) $7,549
10 x 24 (4w) $9,049
12 x 12 (2w) $5,749
12 x 14 (2w) $6,499
12 x 16 (4w) $7,249
12 x 20 (4w) $8,849
12 x 24 (4w) $10,449
12 x 30 (4w) $12,799
Exhaust Fan w/thermostat $495
Extra Shelving per foot $8
Treated Plywood Floor (sq.ft) $4.25